Sunday, August 19, 2007

August 16 – Thursday
FLIGHT remained in port.
After the Delaware Bucklen household got started on their respective day, we decided we would do a bit of shopping and check each other out on our driving. It had been a long time since we had moved about at speeds greater than 10 MPH. We also had to stop back at the marina to check out the boat and make arrangements for another day’s stay. After a bit of shopping we decided we would handle dinner for everyone that evening and the idea of crab cakes popped into Polly’s head. Where could we get some really good ones? The best we know about in the general area come from J&J Seafood in Rock Hall. Off we went at 50+ MPH and returned with 4 plump half-pounders ready to pop in the broiler later – Cameron prefers chicken nuggets. Another stop at the supermarket for some salad fixings and the menu was all set.
Following dinner and some more playing and visiting, we headed for the boat so we could get an early start on the final leg to Rock Hall and slip D-21 at Spring Cove Marina.